Operational Update – Egypt
EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) Efora Energy Limited OPERATIONAL UPDATE – EGYPT Lagia #14 Update Efora, the South African based independent oil and gas company, is pleased to provide the following update on its…
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EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) OPERATIONAL UPDATE – EGYPT Completion of Pilot Well Lagia #14 Efora, the South African based independent oil and gas company, is pleased to provide the following update on its…
Read MoreUnreviewed condensed consolidated interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2017
Efora Energy Limited (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE share code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company” or “the Group”) Unreviewed condensed consolidated interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2017 PERIOD HIGHLIGHTS Acquisition and integration of the AfricOil Proprietary Limited (“AfricOil”) business…
Read MoreUpdating Trading Statement for the six month period ended 31 August 2017
EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) UPDATED TRADING STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 AUGUST 2017 Shareholders are referred to the announcement released on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange News Service (“SENS”) on 17…
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EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) Efora Energy Limited OPERATIONAL UPDATE – EGYPT Spudding of Pilot Well Lagia #14 Efora, the South African based independent oil and gas company, is pleased to provide the…
Read MoreTrading Statement
EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) TRADING STATEMENT In terms of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, a listed company is required to provide guidance to the market when it is satisfied that a reasonable…
Read MoreCash payment in respect of Fractional Entitlement for Share Consolidation
EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) CASH PAYMENT IN RESPECT OF FRACTIONAL ENTITLEMENT FOR SHARE CONSOLIDATION Shareholders are referred to the announcements released on SENS in respect of the name change and share consolidation…
Read MoreName Change and Share Consolidation Update
EFORA ENERGY LIMITED (Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE Share Code: EEL ISIN: ZAE000248258 (“Efora” or “the Company”) NAME CHANGE AND SHARE CONSOLIDATION UPDATE The Company is pleased to announce that it has formally commenced trading under the new name of Efora Energy Limited (“Efora”), with…
Read MoreFinalisation Announcement for Name Change and Share Consolidation
SACOIL HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE Share Code: SCL ISIN: ZAE000127460 (“SacOil” or “the Company”) FINALISATION ANNOUNCEMENT FOR NAME CHANGE AND SHARE CONSOLIDATION Shareholders are referred to the SENS announcement released on 3 October 2017 wherein the Company advised that the resolutions to approve the change of…
Read MoreAddendum to Acquisition and Supplementary Information
SACOIL HOLDINGS LIMITED Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Registration number 1993/000460/06) JSE Share Code: SCL ISIN: ZAE000127460 (“SacOil” or “the Company”) ADDENDUM TO ACQUISITION AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Shareholders are referred to the announcement released by SacOil on SENS on 2 October 2017 (“the Announcement”) wherein the Company announced the acquisition of the assets…
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