Change to the Board of Directors and Dealing in Securities by Directors – acceptance of share options
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(Formerly SA Mineral Resources Corporation Limited)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1993/000460/06)
Share code: SCL and ISIN: ZAE000127460
Change to the Board of Directors and Dealing in Securities by Directors – acceptance of share options
Change to the board of directors
In compliance with Section 3.59 of the JSE Listing Requirements, the Board of Directors of SacOil (“Board”) are pleased to announce the appointment of Carina de Beer to the Board as an Executive Director, in the position of Financial Director, with immediate effect.
Carina is a Chartered Accountant (SA) and has 11 years’ experience in corporate financial management and reporting, corporate secretarial practice as well as corporate governance. She is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, of the Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa and of the Institute of Directors.
Dealings in securities by Directors: Acceptance of share options In compliance with Section 3.63 of the JSE Listings Requirements, the following information relating to dealings in SacOil shares by Directors is disclosed:
Nature of Transaction: Grant and acceptance of share options in terms of and subject to the rules of the company’s Share Option Scheme
Latest exercise date: 8 July 2020
Extent of interest: Direct beneficial
Name of director: G Moseneke
Name of company: SacOil
Position: Non-executive Director
Grant date: 8 July 2010
Date of acceptance: 10 August 2010
Number of securities: 3,132,916
Class: Ordinary shares
Option price: R 0.29
Nature of Transaction: Grant and acceptance of share options in terms of and subject to the rules of the company’s Share Option Scheme
Latest exercise date: 8 July 2020
Extent of interest: Direct beneficial
Name of director: C de Beer
Name of company: SacOil
Position: Financial Director
Grant date: 8 July 2010
Date of acceptance: 2 August 2010
Number of securities: 3,132,916
Class: Ordinary shares
Option price: R0.29
Nature of Transaction: Grant and acceptance of share options in terms of and subject to the rules of the company`s Share Option Scheme
Latest exercise date: 8 July 2020
Extent of interest: Direct beneficial
The above are off-market transactions. Clearance for these transactions was provided in terms of Section 3.66 of the JSE Listings Requirements.
10 August 2010
BDO Corporate Finance
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