Results of the General Meeting
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(Formerly SacOil Holdings Limited)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1993/000460/06)
JSE Share Code: EEL
ISIN: ZAE000248258
(“Efora” or “the Company”)
Shareholders are referred to the GM which was held at 1st Floor, 12 Culross Road, Bryanston, today, 18 June 2018 at 10h00 and are advised that in terms of paragraph 3.91 of the JSE Listings Requirements, the results of the meeting as set out below.
The resolutions proposed, and the details of results are set out below:
Votes for resolution (%) *
Votes against resolution (%) *
Shares abstained as a percentage (%) of shares in issue
Special resolution number 1: Authority to issue shares |
99.97 |
0.03 |
0.05 |
Special resolution number 2: Share increase |
99.96 |
0.04 |
0.05 |
Ordinary resolution number 1: Directors authority |
99.97 |
0.03 |
0.05 |
Note * – In relation to the total number of shares voted at the GM
Total shares voted in person or by proxy amounted to 72.52% of total issued share capital, being 268 140 504 voted shares.
JSE Sponsor
PSG Capital
18 June 2018
For further information please contact:
Efora Energy Limited
Damain Matroos
+27 (0)10 591 2260
Buchanan (Financial PR adviser)
Ben Romney / Chris Judd
+44 (0)20 7466 5000
About Efora
Efora Energy Limited is a South African based independent African oil and gas company, listed on the JSE. The Company has a diverse portfolio of assets spanning production in Egypt; exploration and appraisal in the Democratic Republic of Congo; midstream project relating to crude trading in Nigeria and material downstream distribution operations throughout Southern Africa. Our focus as a Group is on delivering energy for the African continent by using Africa’s own resources to meet the significant growth in demand expected over the next decade.
If you are in any doubt as to what action you should take, consult your CSDP, Broker, Banker, Legal Adviser, Accountant or other professional advisers immediately.
Or visit our Shareholder Information page for more information regarding your shareholding and share certificate.